7117 T i m e  :  Dawn of 21st Century   -   P l a c e  :  Tokyo-3, Japan 7117
Shin Seiki Evangelion

D O S S I E R S  :  S E C O N D   I M P A C T

Top Secret : For Your Eyes Only

FIRST IMPACT: 65 million years ago, a giant asteroid hit the Earth and caused a great impact. The impact's final result was the extinction of dinosaurs who once inhabited this Earth. This was referred as the First Impact.

Katsuragi Expedition UN Underground Base 02 Antartica
Second Impact Facts

SECOND IMPACT: August 15, 2000. Second Impact occured in the South Pole, when Adam was reduced into an embryo, melting all the ice and rising the Earth's water level by 80 meters. Adam was reduced to minimize the damage that will occur when the Angels come as prophesied in the "Dead Sea Scrolls" but something went wrong and caused a catastrophe. This worldwide catastrophe tilted the axis of the planet and forever made all weather climates altered. Japan lost its four seasons and summer continued all year round. Half of the world's population was killed. The Strong United Nations, which now based in Tokyo-2, declared the Second Impact as the result of an asteroid crash in the South Pole and broadcast disinformation throughout the world.

Third Impact

THIRD IMPACT: The process by which mankind can proceed to the next level of existence by sheding their mortal from and become one with the spirit of others to form a collective superior being. A process by which can only happen when all the Angels have been defeated.
A Third Impact can also happen if an Angel becomes one with Adam, instead of evolving mankind, it will destroy mankind. Gendou and Fuyutski later believed that after defeating all Angels, the Third Impact won't make mankind evolve to a new higher form of existence, but only death and destruction, they tried to prevent it but failed. The UN Forces and EVA Series attacked NERV HQ and left Gendou no choice but to initiate the Human Instrumentality Program instantly. He put Adam inside Rei and told her to become one with Lilith. The Third Impact did happen but it was not complete. The Third Impact wasted the Earth and left it barren and dead. (You can see this by watching "The End of Evangelion" movie)

EVA Series (EVA Mass Production Model)

  W A R N I N G  :  T O P   S E C R E T ! ! !  

Alarm! Alarm! Störung entdeckt !
MAGI-Germany's Security has been Breached !!!

  C O N F I D E N T I A L   D O S S I E R S  :  

Human Instrumentality Program

Second Impact