7117 T i m e  :  Dawn of 21st Century   -   P l a c e  :  Tokyo-3, Japan 7117
Shin Seiki Evangelion
Keel Lorenz

D O S S I E R S  :  N E R V  &  S E E L E

NERV (German; translation: nerve) is a special United Nations special agency with a special task : to protect mankind from the threat of mysterious giant entities, known as Angels (Shito). NERV has special diplomatic immunity and most of NERV's activities are classified and can only be described in a need-to-know basis. NERV has branches in all G7 countries plus China and Russia. These branches conducts research and development of Evangelion, the fighting machines especially designed to engage Angels. Each branch is run using MAGI super-computers. The original MAGI super-computer, however, is stationed in Tokyo-3. There're 3 different system within MAGI: Casper, Balthasar, Melchior. These systems responsible for decision-making, and predicting the possibility of NERV operations. The main NERV HQ is located in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. It lies below Tokyo-3, 80 meters below 2015's sea level, in an artificial city called Geo-front.

Hidden deep below the Geo-front, within NERV HQ (Tokyo-3) lies the "Terminal Dogma". Its existence is known only by few. The reason why Angels only attack Tokyo-3 is that inside the "Terminal Dogma" resides Lilith, whom is mistakenly sensed by the Angels as Adam. Their goal is to search for Adam and become one with Adam. This will trigger the "Third Impact" and brings humanity to an end. This is contradictory with SEELE's Human Instrumentality Program, that's why NERV has a special task to prevent Angels from entering the "Terminal Dogma" at all cost, even if it means sacrificing the whole complex in the process.

The supreme commander of all NERV activities is Keel Lorenz, also the head of the powerful international top-secret-12-man organization committee known as SEELE (German; translation: soul). Lorenz is responsible for the funding and political support for all NERV activities. He is also the head of the Human Instrumentality Program. All SEELE activities are based on the knowledge they found from the Dead Sea Scrolls, the most important artifact that prophesied the future of mankind. The true purpose of NERV is actually to properly execute the Human Instrumentality Program under the inspection of SEELE.

  W A R N I N G  :  T O P   S E C R E T ! ! !  

Alarm! Alarm! Störung entdeckt !
MAGI-Germany's Security has been Breached !!!

  C O N F I D E N T I A L   D O S S I E R S  :  

Human Instrumentality Program

Second Impact