7117 T i m e  :  Dawn of 21st Century   -   P l a c e  :  Tokyo-3, Japan 7117
Shin Seiki Evangelion

P R O F I L E S  :  S o h r y u   A s u k a   L a n g l e y

Name : Sohryu Asuka Langley
Birthday : December 4, 2001
Age : 14, Female  Bloodtype : A

Sohryu Asuka Langley's Profile :
She is a 14-year-old outgoing girl. She comes from a German-Japanese origin. She is transferred from the NERV Germany. She is chosen as the "2nd Children" (the second qualifier for the EVA pilot). She is designated to pilot EVA-02.

History :
Asuka is a proud and action-paced young girl and likes to compete with almost everyone. She doesn't like being a loser. She wants to be number one and excels in every way.
This motivation might came from her childhood. She was raised in Germany. When she was still a little girl, her father left. Her mother couldn't stand it and gone emotionally sick.
Later, she committed suicide and left Asuka behind. These events changed Asuka's emotion. Inside she is just feeling plain lonely.

Guten Tag
Asuka finished her college in Germany. After the transfer, in Tokyo-3, Rei, Shinji and her goes to the same high school together. She is envious with Shinji's ability day by day, because she wanted to be the best EVA pilot around. Although they live under the same roof, she never let Shinji off the competition and hate it when they have to work together as a team. She also despises Rei and makes fun of her, especially at school.

Main Character Index :

Ayanami ReiIkari ShinjiAsuka LangleyAkagi RitsukoIkari GendouKatsuragi Misato