7117 T i m e  :  Dawn of 21st Century   -   P l a c e  :  Tokyo-3, Japan 7117
Shin Seiki Evangelion
Ayanami Rei

P R O F I L E S  :  A y a n a m i   R e i

Name : Ayanami Rei
Birthday : Unknown
Age : 14, Female  Bloodtype : Unknown

Ayanami Rei's Profile :
She is a beautiful 14-year-old mystery-girl. She has a strange way to express her feelings. She often feels empty, without emotion. She is very quiet and quite ignorant about her emotions. This builds up a mystifying aura around her. No one seems to understand her except Shinji's father, Gendou. She is chosen as the "1st Children" (the first qualifier for the EVA pilot). She is designated to pilot EVA-00.

History :
Rei has a mysterious past, and unknown family origin. She said that she grew up within a large room, and she can't even remember her childhood (providing that she cares about her childhood).


Rei & Shinji Somehow, Gendou seems to be very close to Rei, they seem to know each other very well and Rei trusts him with all her heart. Their (Rei's and Gendou's) relationship confuses Shinji. It seems that his father give so much attention to her and Eva-01 rather than to him... and he can't figure it out why his father left him.
Nevertheless, Shinji cares deeply about Rei as they work together for some time. But he can't figure out why a girl like Rei would give herself up for a cause without second thoughts. He feels sympathetic toward Rei. The very first time he met Rei (the day Angel#3 attacked Tokyo-3), she was wounded so bad... still, she accepted the order to engage the Angel, without regarding her health. Also, Rei looks so much like his mother, Ikari Yui. "Rei" is actually the name Gendou and Yui decided if they were given a daughter, "Shinji" if they were given a son. So Rei must've been Gendou's "daughter".
Rei & Gendou
Main Character Index :

Ayanami ReiIkari ShinjiAsuka LangleyAkagi RitsukoIkari GendouKatsuragi Misato