: A k a g i R i t s u k o
: Akagi
Ritsuko Birthday : November 21, 1985
Age : 30, Female Bloodtype : B
Ritsuko's Profile :
She is 30 year old, Chief of NERV Tech & Research Operations.
She is the chief scientist of EVA operations. She is down to the
earth and pretty rational, unlike Misato's rash personality.
Ritsuko is in charge of every EVA-related test and operations. She's
also in charge for keeping the MAGI system up and running.
Keeping the MAGI Super Computer secured from any intrusions.
She also knows about sensitive NERV background operations.
Ritsuko's mother, Naoko, was also a researcher. Her mother was
a pioneer to the EVA project. Like many other members of NERV,
Ritsuko was left alone by her mother, because of her busy work schedule.
Personally she hates her mother, but she respects her as a scientist.
So she pursued her study and finally joins NERV (to show her mother
that she is worthy) and continues where her mother had left behind.
Her mother lost her life during an experiment. Her mother gave a "piece"
of herself to the MAGI Super Computer. Ritsuko was then appointed
to take over her position. She is now head of the scientists. She also
knew about the relationship her mother was having with Shinji's father,
Ikari Gendou. Just like her mother, she has somehow attracted to
him. Quite an odd feeling, especially when Shinji's father is a cold and
distant man who pursue his own secret agenda.
In the past, Ritsuko went to the same university, Tokyo-2 University, with Misato and Ritsuko was introduced to Misato's boyfriend, Ryoji Kaji. Her relationship with Misato changes her perspective
in life. Now at NERV, Ritsuko becomes a mentor, especially for
Maya, who is a big fan of Ritsuko. She's like a personal assistant
to Ritsuko from time to time and also a close friend.